SHULAR, Lewis H.

Source: Crawfordsville Review Thursday April 27, 1916
Lewis H. SHULAR, 85 one of the pioneer citizens of Montgomery County died yesterday afternoon at his home on S Walnut Street in this city after a lingering illness following a paralytic stroke. Mr. Shular was born just west of Alamo Oct 13, 1831. He was the son of a pioneer preacher of the United Brethren Church. Attaining manhood he learned the trade of a blacksmith and following this calling for 45 years Except for two years spent in KS and the time he served in the US Army Mr. Shular was constantly a resident of the county. In 1862 he enlisted in Co B 120th Reg Ind Vol. infantry under Capt. EB McClaskey. He served with this command until the close of the war and proved his loyalty to his country in many engagements. 62 years ago he was married to Mary J. HALL and to this union 3 sons were born, one dying in 1872. The aged widow and two sons, William and David survive. Mr. Shular was a quiet man of orderly ways was skilled in his trade and was known to all for his kindly was and friendly disposition. The funeral services will be held at the late home, Friday afternoon at 2 and will be in charge of a minister of the Methodist Church of which organization the deceased was a faithful member. Burial will be in Masonic Cemetery. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 29 April 1916 p 5
Blacksmiths of the city paid tribute of respect to Lewis Shular Friday afternoon when all of the blacksmith shops in the city were closed during the hour of the funeral. Mr. Shular had been engaged in the blacksmith trade all his life. The services held from the late home, South Walnut Street were impressive. Rev. B.E. Kirkpatrick, pastor of the First ME Church of which the deceased was a member, had charge of the services and in his sermon he paid fitting tribute to the life of Mr. Shular, telling of the deceased's honorable record as a soldier and his Christian life ..... -- kbz