Shideler - Fred

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 27 Feb 1957 p 6
VEEDERSBURG — Fred W. Shideler, 59, veteran of World War I, who had resided in Veedersburg since coming here with his parents as a small boy, died Wednesday morning at the Veterans Hospital in Danville, Ill., where he had been a patient since Feb. 1. He had been in failing health since last June when he suffered a heart attack. Mr. Shideler, the son of William A. and Anna Jarred Shideler, was born April 20, 1897 in Gosport. His parents came to live in Veedersburg a few days later. Mr. Shideler had been a brick mason and building contractor for a number of years. He held membership in the Sterling Christian Church, the Veedersburg Masonic lodge and the American Legion Post in Veedersburg. Mr. Shideler was married July 30, 1919, to Lucille Cartwright. She survives together with their son, Dale Shideler; three grandchildren; one brother, Roger Shideler and one sister, Mrs. Nellie Oilar, both of Veedersburg. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Wednesday noon. The body is at the Fishero Funeral Home in Veedersburg. --typed by Walt W