Scott - Ira Chase

Source: Tri-County News, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana
Oct 20, 1960 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore were called to Lebanon on Sunday on account of the death of Mr. Moore's uncle, Ira Chase SCOTT. Ira Chase Scott, 69, son of Arch & Mary McMullen Scott, died Friday at the Veteran's Hospital. He had been sick for sometime; seriously in the hospital two months. He was a veteran of WWI. Funeral services were held Monday at Myer's Funeral Home, Lebanon. Survivors are wife, Effie; four children: Robert; Retha; Charles William and Karen Sue. One brother WE Scott and several nephews and nieces survive. Raymond Moore, of Waveland is a nephew. Mr. Scott was born and reared in Waveland. -- kbz
And, here's another tidbit on Ira when he was young
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, Dec 20, 1901
Ira Scott, the 7-year-old son of Arch Scott had his feet severely frozen Sunday while hunting rabbits. He got so cold that his brother had to carry him home