Selby - Harry - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Selby - Harry

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Nov 25, 1948

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith received word Thursday morning of the death of Harry SELBY of Nitro, W. Va. Mr. Selby and family lived in Waveland many years and near the end of their residence here they occupied the house where Mr. and Mrs. Evertt McCloud now live. he had been in bad health for several years. Those surviving his death are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Hugh Moore and 3 sons; John, Ralph and Harry Jr. all living at Nitro. - kbz

Harry Penick J. Selby born Waveland 16 April 1922 father Harry Penick Selby b Virginia mother Cordelia Constance Powell b VA Housewife 5 ch 4 living  born 1 p.m. Dr. Thomas Z. Ball, Waveland
Source: WWII Draft card Serial # 89
Harry Penick Selby, Jr.
2518 25th St, Nitro Kanawha W VA Mailing address – same
Telephone #258
Next of Ken Mr. Harry Selby father Nitro, W VA
Employer Viscose Nitro
Born April 16, 1922 Waveland, Indiana
5’11” ½ weighing 199#
Light complexion Hazel Eyes Brown Hair – no physical problems
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