Ridge- Joshua - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Ridge- Joshua

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 April 1854 p 2

April 22nd 1854 – Whereas, it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of all events to remove from our midst our beloved, highly esteemed and worthy brother, Joshua Ridge and whist we deeply smpathise with his bereaved companions, relatives and friends, we feel it our duty to bow submissively to the will of Him who does all things well; and whilst we much regret the loss of our worthy brother we humbly trust that our loss is his eternal gain. Our hearts are peculiar receptacles of emotions; all that is bright or glorious in our natures have their birthplace there. Who is it that has not when the tide of our hearts overflows with joyous emotions cherished some hope that in the dim figure we should realize that ineffable bliss that the most fruitful imagination could desire or fancy create?  When good men die their deeds are pointed to as way marks, to guide succeeding pilgrims. Therefore, we should write our brothers errors in sand, but his virtues in the tablets of enduring memory.

Resolved that we attend the funeral in a body at the appointed hour.

Resolved that we wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days.

Resolved that as an indubitable testimony of our condolence with the bereaved wife of the deceased brother, that we present her with a copy of the preceding preamble and resolutions and that a copy of the same be sent to the editors of the Locomotive, Temperance Union and Montgomery Journal for publication.  AD Billingsley; EL Foxworthy; BF Nicholson; JW Harrison

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