Reprogle - William - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal,17 August 1894
William Reprogle died at his late residence on Wabash street Tuesday after along and painful illness. Mr. Reprogle has long been a resident of Crawfordsville and was widely known. He was a soldier in the late rebellion and made an excellent record as a private in Co. K, 12th Indiana Cavalry. His remains were buried at Oak Hill on Friday afternoon. The funeral services were held at his late residence under the direction of McPherson Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member. - transcribed by Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 17 August 1894
The funeral of Wm Reprogle occurred this afternoon under the auspices of the G. A. R. It was well attended, the deceased having many friends here. Mr. Reprogle was born in Ohio in 1830, and was married to Lorena Wilson in 1854, coming to Crawfordsville in 1865. Of his six children, Mrs. Frank Martin alone survives.