Remley - Walter Brown

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 28 Oct 1968 p 1 typed by Walt W
Walter Brown Remley, 71, of 1812 Hillcrest Drive, former city councilman and active member of many organizations, died at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Culver Hospital, where he had undergone surgery Friday. Born March 13, 1897 near Wesley, he was a son of Fred S. and Nellie Brown Remley. He was reared on a farm in that neighborhood west of the city and except for the period 1923-32 when he was in the West he was a resident all his life of Montgomery County. Mr. Remley was a 1915 graduate of Crawfordsville High School and later, after war service, was graduated from the University of Illinois. He served in the Army in the Mexican Border campaign of 1916 and later in World War I with the 42nd (Rainbow) Division. At Illinois he was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity and also of the scholastic honorary for agricultural students, Alpha Zeta. He was engaged in farm education and extension activities for many years and also in business was associated with the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., Johnson Manufacturing Co., Stover Water Softener Co. and Herman Davis, Inc., auto sales firm. Mr. Remley served four terms, a 16-year period, on the city council here. He was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, Waynetown Masonic Lodge (of which he was a past master), the Scottish Rite, American Legion (he was a past commander of Byron Cox Post 72, which he helped to found), the Legion's 40 & 8, Rotary Club, Mexican Border and World War I veterans organizations, Montgomery County Historical Society (he was a past president and secretary), State Historical Society and Society of Indiana Pioneers, the K. of P. Lodge at Mace, and Montgomery County Republican Men's Club. Mr. Remley was married June 17, 1926 to Joy L. Carp in Glendale, Calif. She survives with two sons, David of Albuquerque, N.M., and Robert, Crawfordsville businessman; a daughter, Mrs. Joe Bowman of Indianapolis; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Schneider of Chicago, and six grandchildren. Two years ago this month Mr. Remley was honored by Byron Cox Post at a Walter Remley Night dinner-dance in recognition of his nearly half-century of service to the organization. He served the Legion on local, state and national levels and at the time of his death was Sixth District chaplain. Mr. Remley had been employed by Radio Station WCVL for the past year and a half as a special representative. He also conducted the "Table Topics" program. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Hunt and Son Funeral Home, with Rev. Raymond Rhoda and Rev. Guy Tremaine officiating and interment in Wesley Cemetery. Masonic rites are set for 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home, where friends may call after 1 p.m. Military rites will be conducted by Legionnaires at the cemetery. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Cancer Society.