Remley - Leslie
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 25 Nov 1967 p1
Dr. Leslie W. Remley, 65, former Wabash College athletic director and presently coordinator of the college’s physical education construction program, died Saturday morning at Presbyterian St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago. He had been patient there about three weeks. Dr. Remley, a well-known educator, was appointed to the Athletic director’s post in November of 1962, succeeding Robert E. “Pete” Vaughan, who at that time was retiring for the second time in his 42-year-career at Wabash. While athletic director, Dr. Remley also held the rank of professor of physical education and directed the college’s intramural sports program. Dr. Remley was den of students at Proviso East HS in Maywood, Ill before accepting the athletic directorship at Wabash. From 1938 to 1957, he was director of athletics at Proviso. Dr. Remley was a native of Mace and was graduated from Crawfordsville HS in 1921. He participated in basketball, track and debate in high school.
He was graduated in 1925 from Wabash. He majored in zoology, minored in social science and participated in football and track. Dr. Remley began his teaching and coaching career in Indiana. He held posts at Fairbanks and Shelbyville and taught briefly at Wabash college in the early 1930s. He joined the Proviso staff in 1931 when he taught zoology and coached football and basketball. After a leave of absence to complete requirements for a Doctor’s Degree in zoology at the University of Iowa, he returned to Proviso to resume his teaching duties and to become business manager of the athletic department. In 1957, he was promoted to dean of students. Mr. Remley was a member of and an elder in the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church. He was a member of the Rotary Club, Tau Kappa Epsilon Social Fraternity, Sigma Xi honorary fraternity, the American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, a charter member of Alpha Alpha and was on the board of directors of the Indiana Commission for Resources Association.
He was born July 30, 1902 at Mace to Albert and Lena Smiley Remley. He was married June 5, 1934 to Mary A. Isaacs at Iowa City, Iowa. Surviving are the widow, a son, Dr. Daniel Remley of Kalamazoo, Mich; two daughters, Mrs. Robert Bryant of Madison, Wis and Rebecca Jane Remley, a student at Indiana University; a brother, Adrian of Darlington and five sisters: Marie Remley of Champaign; Mrs. Frances Wood of Summitt, NJ; Mrs. Mildred O’Sullivan of Crawfordsville; Mrs. Rosemary Robertson of Brownstown and Mrs. Laverne Perry. He was preceded n death by a brother, Kenneth. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m., Tuesday in the Wabash College Chapel with Rev. Larimore Wickett officiating. Interment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at Hunt & Son Funeral Home after 1 p.m. today. The family requests donations to Wabash College in lieu of flowers. - kbz