Raub - Harold Ostrander
Source: New Richmond Record 1 May 1913 p 3
Harold O. Raub died at 5 o’clock last Wednesday morning at the home of his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Raub, northeast of town. He had been an invalid for many years, his last illness which ended in his death continued for the past six weeks. Harold Ostrander Raub. son of Edward C. and Henrietta J. Raub, was born February 6, 1898; died April 23, 1913; aged 15 years, 2 months and 17 days. At the age of three Harold suffered a severe attack of infantile paralysis, which left him a hopeless invalid. He was a most patient sufferer through all the long years, and a fond child. His father died in 1902. He leaves behind him the mother, two brothers and one sister.