Price - Michael
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 2 May 1902

Michael Price died Monday morning at 6 o’clock at his home on North Washington Street, after a long period of gradual decline from old age. The funeral will be conducted from St. Bernard’s Catholic Church Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock, interment being in Calvary Cemetery.
Michael Price was born in County Carlow, Ireland, in 1820 and came to the United States in 1859, locating in the east. In 1864 he opened a grain office in this city and continued in the grain buying business until recently, when the business was turned over to his son. He was one of the largest buyers in the state for some time, his shipments some years exceeding one million bushels of grain. He was elected to the city council four times, in 1875 for two terms and again in 1880 for two terms. During his first two terms the gas plant was established, and electric lights were also introduced while he was in the council. In 1880 Mr. Price was elected county commissioner by the Republican Party, and during his tenure of office, the toll roads of the county were purchased by the various townships under the supervision of the board of commissioners.
Mr. Price was married in 1864 to Jane A. Regan, who with five children survive him. The children living are Mrs. C. N. Vancleave, Mrs. Mark Deering of Chicago, Margaret, Jane and Bernard, of this city.
Mr. Price was a man of broad charity, and his unswerving honesty of purpose for what he thought was right made him many friends. He was highly esteemed as a public spirited citizen and his death will be universally regretted.