PRATT, Hiram Austin

Source: Waveland Independent Oct 16, 1914
In memory of Brother Hiram A. Pratt who died Oct 12, 1914. Once again the Supreme Chancellor of the Universe hath summoned through death, a Brother knight, from the labors of the Castle here to the joys of the beautiful Casttle in the New Jerusalem. He has completed his labors of Friendship in helping his fellow brother of Charity in relieving the cries of the distressed and in Benevolence in ministering at the bedside of the sick. As a recompense of his service under the tri-colored banner, he has received the plaudt, "well done" from the Great Father. And whereas, the All-wise and merciful Father has called our beloved and respected brother home and he having been a true and faithful Brother of our Mystic Order, therfore be it... Resolved, that Rathbone Lodge No. 232, Knights of Pythias of Waveland, in testimony of our loss tenders to the family of our deceased Brother our sincere condolence in this deep affliction and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family ... FE Seybold, BS Kritz, LE McNutt, Committee Montgomery County, Indiana
kbz - this man left so much history about our county within his writings for the newspaper as well as his multiple diaries :) Thanks HAP - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 23, 1914
Hall of Waveland Lodge No. 217, IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] Oct 19, 1914 Once more we are forcibly reminded that Death is in the world, the spoiler among the works of the Almighty. Be it..resolved, that in the death of Brother Hiram A. Pratt, we lose a member who has always been grateful to his Creator, faithful to his country, and fraternal to his fellow men; exemplifying in his daily life the divine lessons of humanity; resolved, that we tender to his bereaved wife our sincere sympathy and the assurance that it is not only the duty but the pleasure of the Lodge to watch over her comfort and safety in her hour of trail; be it further, resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and published in the local paper, and that the charter of the Lodge be draped in mourning for 30 days. Submitted in FL & T Alva Good, CR Williams, Frank Brown, Committee.
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 6, 1914
Hiram Austin Pratt, son of Mr. & Mrs. Erastus Pratt, was b. in Parke County, Indiana, April 20, 1840 and d. Oct 12, 1914, aged 74 Y 5M 22D. Mr. Pratt was first marr. Sept 6, 1866 to Eliza Franklin Shaw, who d. Oct 12, 1887. His second marr. Oct 8, 1888, was to Evaline McMains, who survives him. There also lives to mourn their loss, two brothers, Allen and Edward, one sister, Mrs. Eliza Donahue, and a host of other relatives and friends. An adopted son, William Franklin Pratt,(he was born May 9, 1873) died Oct 12, 1894. Mr. Pratt in youth became a member of the Baptist Church, but for several years has been an active and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Waveland. Until the very last days of his life, he never missed an opportunity to show his love for the Church of his choice. He was a member of the Odd Fellows, Rebekah and Knights of Pythias Lodges. In 1862 when the call was made for men who would place their lives at the disposal of the nation in a fight, the end of which could not be foreseen, Mr. Pratt went gladly and gave 3 of the best years of his life in the service of his country. He saw activity upon the battlefield and paid the penalty required for many in Andersonville prison. At the close of the war he received honorable discharge and again took up his tasks in peaceful pursuance of duty. So long as he was able he worked diligently and even after he could but totter about he made effort to be still active in labour. After attending the funeral service of his friend, Mr. AJ Wolfe, last Friday, he was stricken with paralysis on the porch of his home and never regained the power of speech. HIs spirit of loyalty to what he thought right will linger long as a benediction and inspiration to us. Funeral services were held at the home on Wed. morning by the Rev Wm. W. Speer. The IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] and Knights of Pythias Lodges attended in a body, and three pall bearers from each lodge accompanied the body to Farmersburg for interment.