Poynts - Ann Rice
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 1 March 1901
Ann Eliza Rice was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, February 10, 1830, died February 23, 1901, aged 71 years and 13 days. She was united in marriage to William R. Poynts February 6, 1851. Born to them were five children, two daughters dying in infancy, and one son dying shortly after reaching his majority. Two sons survive her, James L. and William. She also leaves one sister, Margaret M. Foust and two brothers, William and Martin Rice. She united with the Christian Church at the age of 14 years and has been always an ardent and faithful Christian although her illness which dates from the first of last July was attended with many months of suffering, yet she never forgot to love and obey those teachings emulated in a noble Christian life. Her life is the picture of true Christianity, having interwoven in it those exalted virtues of a kind, good wife, mother, sister, and neighbor, loved by all who knew her. No higher tribute can be paid to the memory of the death than the full recognition of those noble qualities which were characteristic of this most beautiful and well spent life. Her highest aim in life was to live the life of a true and devoted Christian, cultivating in her heart and memory the kindliest feelings toward one and all. As the spirit of such a life ascends heavenward we feel within our hearts the touch of deepest sadness for her loss. – thanks to s for these great obits