PLATT, James

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, April 20, 1970
ALAMO - James E. Platt, 71, died early Monday morning in Culver Hospital at Crawfordsville. He had been ill for several months and in the hospital since Saturday. Mr. Platt was born December 31, 1898, in Crawfordsville to Thomas J. and Rose M. Chasteen Platt. He married Kitty Mae Brocies on June 14, 1919. She preceded him in death. He served in World War I in Company C of the 38th Infantry Division. He was a member of Bryon cox American Legion Post 72 of Crawfordsville and the Fathers' Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars 1431. He worked at Delco-Remy at Anderson for several years and moved to Montgomery county in 1945. He was employed by Hoosier Crown at Crawfordsville and by the State Highway Department. He received his education in Montgomery County. Surviving are two sons, Carl of Anderson and Terrell of Waynetown; three daughters, Mrs. Betty Mains of Yorktown, Ind., Mrs. Patty Fischer of Rt. 1 Waynetown, and Mrs. Marjorie Carrell of Island Lake., Ill.; a sister, Gertrude Platt of Crawfordsville; 12 grandchildren and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by two infant children and two brothers. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Servies Thomas Funeral Home at Waynetown. Rev. Hugh Dooley will officiate. Burial will be in the Oak Hill cemetery at Crawfordsville. Friends may call in the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday.