Pitman - F. Russell
Source: obituary in a scrapbook from a collection of Fauniel Hershberger's typed by Walt W dated 9-68
Funeral services for Rev. F. Russell Pitman, 73, a city native who spent over 56 years in the ministry, were held in Beloit, Kan. The Kansas minister was the brother of John F. Pitman; a former City Park superintendent who resides at 108 W. Chestnut St. At the time of his death, Rev. Pitman resided in Beloit, Kan. His pastoral career began at Crawfordsville in February of 1912 at the age of 17 and his last sermon was given Aug. 4, 1968, in the First Baptist Church at Simpson, Kan., where he served from 1944-48. Born Nov. 26, 1894, he was the son of Fred T. and Florence Mullikan Pitman. He was reared in Crawfordsville, and following study at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, he was ordained a Baptist minister in Kansas City, Mo. In addition to the Simpson church, he served congregations at Eureka, Wilmore, Fredonia and Washington. His last full pastorate was at Mead, Neb., and he was formally retired Nov. 1, 1966, when he established his home in Beloit. He continued his work in behalf of the First Baptist Church at Beloit and made himself available to other area churches on a supply basis. On March 5, 1927, he was married first to Mary O. Burton of Indianapolis and after her death in 1934, to Gladys O. Bliss, also of Indianapolis. In addition to his brother of Crawfordsville, he is survived by his wife; two daughters, Juanita, wife of Rev. James L. Kipp of Parkersburg, W.Va., and Martha, wife of Lt. Roger E. Ozias of Schwaebisch, Gmuend, Germany, and three granddaughters.