Pickett - James - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 15 February 1895
Alamo - James Pickett died last Saturday. Funeral was Monday. He was a soldier in the late war. -s
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 22 February 1895
James Pickett died last Saturday at his home, four miles east of Alamo, aged 61 years. He was a good citizen and a soldier of the late war. During his illness while friends were laboring with and weeping over him, not a word of complaint was heard to escape his lips, though forced to face Death, but God called him from his home and little ones to a home where there is no more sorrow and pain. Funeral services were conducted by Brother White, of Alamo, after which the body was laid in its final resting place in the Lutheran Cemetery. -s
Source: Weekly Argus News Feb 16, 1895 p 5
James Pickett, of Hibernia, died Saturday. He was a soldier of the last rebellion and fought for the Union; he was a member of the GAR and was buried by that order. He was 60 years 5 months and 1 day old. He left a wife and 8 children of which two are in the West, one in Oregon and one in Washington and a father 92 years old, five brothers and two sisters to mourn his loss. The remains were laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery Monday by Undertaker Walters of Alamo.