Peterson - Silas - 1905
Source: Indianapolis
News Wed 29 March 1905 p 3
Darlingon, March 29 –
The Hon. Silas Peterson near this place, died last night. He was 80 years old.
He came to this county in 1830, and settled with his father near where he died.
He was elected to the Legislature in 1856 to fill an unexpired term and he was
sent to the State Senate in 1876 and 1884, both times running ahead of his
ticket. He was VP of the Citizens National Bank and he held the same position
with the Crawfordsville Trust Company. He was one of the largest land owners in
the county and he did more, perhaps than any other one toward bringing the
Potato Creek land up for $1.25 to $125 an acre.- kbz