Peffley - David Henry
David H. Peffley, a well-known resident of the vicinity, died at his home, Thursday evening ,from the result of gunshot wounds, self-inflicted some days before. Mr. Peffley had been in poor health for over a year past and the act was the result of worry over his inability to perform his usual labors. Funeral services held Sunday morning at 10:30 at the Bethel Church and were in charge of Rev. Leo H. Miller. Interment was made in Bethel Cemetery. The following short sketch of his life was read at the funeral. David H. Peffley was born near Ladoga, Ind Dec 10, 1844 and passed to the Great Beyond, Thursday August 24, 1922, age 77 years, 8 months and 14 days. He was the youngest of a family of 9 boys and 3 girls, 8 brothers and one sister having preceded him to the spirit world. He leaves to mourn his loss a loving and devoted wife, two sisters, and five children. Mrs. Olla Buchanan and Clyde Peffley of Ladoga; Bert Peffley of Anderson; Mrs. May Myers of Jamestown and Mrs. Cora Connor, of Frankfort; two children gone on before, Cara Connor and Grant E. Peffley. He also leaves 21 grandchildren and two great grandchildren besides a host of other relatives and friends. He was well known here, having lived all his life near the old Peffley homestead where he was born. Oh, come Angel band, Come and around me stand, Then bear me away on Your snowy wings, To my Immortal Home. -- thanks so much to Cindy Elless Brown

Below (from Bill Boone - Ladoga Facebook page) -- David Peffley and boy, Paul Mahorney