Peebles - Donald
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 15 Jul 1972 p 3 typed by Walt W
DARLINGTON -- Donald F. Peebles, 64, former county auditor, deputy state fire marshall, cost accountant for the county highway department and license bureau manager here, died at 2 a.m. Saturday at his home, 106 E. Main St., Darlington. Mr. Peebles served as county auditor from 1954 through Dec. 31, 1962. He was currently employed by the Crawfordsville Light & Power Co., at the Washington Street plant. He had served as precinct committeeman of North Union Township. Mr. Peebles attended Youngs Chapel School and graduated from Crawfordsville High School. He was a member of the Youngs Chapel Christian Church. He was born March 3, 1908, in Montgomery County in the Youngs Chapel neighborhood. He was a son of Orval M. and Alice R. Hitch Peebles. Mr. Peebles was married to Mary Anderson on Oct. 11, 1930, at Otto, Ill. They started housekeeping in the Youngs Chapel area in 1932 where he farmed. They had lived in Darlington for about 1 1/2 years. Surviving in addition to the widow are a sister, Mrs. Adrian (Gladys) Remley of Darlington; a nephew, James A. Remley of Crawfordsville, and several cousins. Services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Burkhart Funeral Home in Darlington with Rev. Kenneth K. Buser officiating. Burial will be in Green Lawn Cemetery at Darlington. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Monday.