Patterson - Thomas M - Civil War
Source: NEW YORK NEW YORK Sun 24 July 1916 Mon p 5
Denver Former US Senator Thomas M. Patterson died here today. He was 77 years old. Senator Patterson was widely known as an editor, lawyer and political leader. He represented Col in the US Senate from 1901 – 1907 and was for many years the owner and editor in chief of the Rocky Mountain News and Denver Times. In the days of the Populist party he was a national leader in that movement. His fortune, consisting largely of real estate holdings in Denver is estimated by associates at several mill. Senator Patterson was a native of Ireland and came to America in 1849. He was a veteran of the civil war, having served with an Indiana regiment. He came to Colorado from Indiana in 1872. He is survived by a daughter Mrs. Richard S. Campbell of Denver. As territorial delegate from Col in 1874, Mr. Patterson made a plea to have the Dem congress admit Col. to statehood and assured the Dem that Col was a Dem state beyond a doubt and would give three electoral votes to the Pres. Candidate in 1876. But in the electoral college the three votes of Col elected Hayes Pres and Mr. Patterson although he himself was seated by the Dem house was said to have thus been responsible for the defeat of Tilden. Mr. Patterson was a member of the Dem National Convention of 1876, 80, 88 and 92. He was the Dem candidate for Gov in 1888 and delegate to the Populist National Conventions of 1896 and 1900, being chairman in the latter year. His term in the US Senate was from 1901-07 and again in 1914 he ran for Governor.
Source: Western Liberal, Lordsburg, NM 28 July 1916 Fri p 7
Denver – Thomas M. Patterson formerly US senator from Colorado, editor and lawyer of national reputation, died suddenly of apoplexy while asleep in bed at his home, 1075 Pennsylvania Street, shortly after 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon July 23. With him at the time was his daughter, Mrs. Richard Crawford Campbell, other members of the family having gone to Grand Lake, where former Senator Patterson expected to join them. His death ended a week’s illness, from which his near relatives believed he would recover, although they knew that apoplexy at any time might end his noble life. His wife, Mrs. Katherine Grafton Patterson died July 16, 1902. A number of years before his wife’s death, his only son, James Patterson a young attorney died. A daughter, Mary G. Patterson and an infant child also died a number of years ago. Thomas MacDonald Patterson, was born in the county of Carlow, Ireland on Nov 4, 1839. He was a son of James and Margaret (Mountjoy) Patterson. His ancestors were a numerous and prominent family in northern Ireland. Mr. Patterson is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Richard Crawford Campbell; his son-in-law, Richard Crawford Campbell; two grandsons, Richard Crawford Jr who is a student at Darmouth College and Thomas Patterson Campbell a student at Exeter Academy; a granddaughter Katherine Campbell and sister, Mrs. Malin V. Johnson of 2145 Williams Street. Two nephews and two pieces (sic – nieces) also survive. THEY ARE Fred P. Johnson, Arthur C. Johnson, Mrs. PM Pease of Rye NY and Mrs. Frances Porter, formerly a resident of Denver but now living near Byers, col. A bro-in-law, Samuel Grafton also lives in Denver. The Rv. Dr. John H. Houghton of St. Mark’s office at the funeral and interement was in Fairmount cem
Right underneath that is James Whitcomb Riley
Source: Indianapolis Journal 17 July 1902 Thursday p 4
Denver, Col July 16 – Mrs. Katherine G. Patterson wife of US Senator Thomas M. Patterson died tonight at her home in this city from nervous prostration following a violent attack of acute cholera morbus. Her maiden name was Katherine Grafton. She was born in Wellsburg, W VA Jan 1, 1839. She was a graduate of Berries College. She married Thomas M. Patterson at Crawfordsville, Ind in 1863 and came to Colorado in 1872. She was a grandniece of Alex Campbell, founder of the Christian Church, and was herself of that faith. She had long been a leader in club & Charitable circles in this city.
Note: Photo - Wikipedia (also
Source: Crawfordsville Review 20 Aug 1892 p 1
The commandery of the Masonic fraternity from here when at Denver last week paid a visit to Hon. Thomas Patterson, a former resident and now proprietor of the Rocky Mounty News. Mr. P. made them a short speech and in referring to his early days and former home said that next to Denver there was no place on earth dearer to his heart than Crawfordsville and when he was called hence his wish would be to be buried here.
Note: He wasn’t – buried Fairmount Cemetery Denver, Colorado – born County Carlow, Ireland 4 Nov 1839 died Denver 23 July 1916. Served as a Congressman and US Senator from Colorado and to National Democratic Conventions. US Senator from 1901-1907. Son of James Patterson and Margaret Mountjoy – had at least one brother, James who died in Colorado 1867. Note: In his lengthy obituaries it sounds like he went straight from NY to Colorado. However, I did find this: Source: Pittsburgh Daily Post 24 July 1916 p 7 – Denver, July 23- Thomas M. Patterson, former US senator died at his home here today. He was 77 years old and had been in poor health several weeks. Senator Patterson was widely known as an editor, attorney and political leader. He represented Colorado in the US Senate from 1901-1907 and was for many years the owner and editor-in-chief of the Rocky Mountain News and Denver Times. In the days of the Populist party he was sent to the Senate. His fortune, consisting largely of real estate holdings in Denver is estimated by associates at several millions. He was the Democratic nominee at the last gubernatorial election and was defeated by Governor George C. Carlson. The deceased was a native of Ireland and came to America in 1849. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving with an INDIANA regiment. He came to Colorado from Indiana in 1872. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Richard S. Campbell, of Denver. AND … here’s another one – bingo. Source: Indianapolis News 24 July 1916 p 13 – Crawfordsville July 24 – Thomas N Patterson, former US Senator who died yesterday at his home in Denver, Colo was well known among older residents of Crawfordsville where he lived 50 years ago when a student in Wabash College. Patterson’s father conducted a book store in Crawfordsville and the son worked in the store. He was a charter member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity at Wabash college. The chapter was formed in the book store in 1866. The chapter in June of this year celebrated the 50th anniversary of this founding and Senator Patterson expected to be present to enjoy the festivities but because of ill health had to abandon the trip to Crawfordsville.