OSBORNE, J. Harvey
Source: Indianapolis Star, Sun 6 March 1938 p 8

Crawfordsville, Ind March 5 – Prof. J. Harvey Osborne, 80 years old, secretary to the faculty at Wabash College and one of Crawfordsville’s most prominent educators, died today at his home here after a brief illness. Prof. Osborne had been a member of the Wabash faculty 57 years and probably had a wider acquaintance among Wabash graduates and former students than any other faculty member. During his long service with the college, he was active in student and alumni affairs, serving continuously as secretary of the Association of Wabash Men since the organization’s inception. He also was secretary to the Wabash Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa of which he was a member. Prof. Osborne was born in Putnam County July 29, 1857 and spent his boyhood on a farm near Carpentersville. He received his education at the Waveland Academy and at Wabash College, having been graduated from the local school in 1879. For two years, following his graduation, he studied law in Crawfordsville. He became a member of the faculty in 1881 and for 35 years was professor of mathematics. In 1916, he retired from active teaching and since then had been secretary to the faculty and assistant librarian. Prof. Osborne was married to Grace Insley of Crawfordsville in 1882. She survives together with two daughters, Mrs. Harley T. Ristine of this city and Mrs. HW Anderson of Urbana, Ill and a son, Prof. James Insley Osborne, Wabash College English department head.