ORRICK, Thomas J.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 3 Feb 1972 p 4
WAYNETOWN, Ind. (CNS) -- Thomas J. Orrick, 79, of Waynetown, died at 2:30 a.m. Thursday (Feb. 3, 1972) at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville. He had been ill several years and seriously ill a week. Born Dec. 23, 1892, in Tate, Tenn., he was the son of George and Margaret Adams Orrick. He was married Aug. 7, 1919, to Gula Parrett of Alamo, who survives. Mr. Orrick was a past commander of the American Legion Post 445 and past chef de gare and charter member of the Crawfordsville 40 & 8. He was a veteran of World War I with the 108th Army Engineers in France and Luxenborg. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. He was educated in Tennessee and came to the Waynetown area many years ago. He drove a mail truck from Indianapolis to Danville for several years and the school bus for 16 years. He also had operated the former Texaco Service Station in Waynetown and had served as town marshal. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Crutchfield of Orlando, Fla., and Mrs. Madonna Jones of Crawfordsville; two sisters, Mrs. Verna Smith of Morristown, Tenn., and Mrs. Reda Kingsoliver of Zenia, Ohio; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by four brothers. Services will be at 2:30 p.m. EST Sunday at the Servies-Thomas Funeral Home. The Rev. Kenneth Brock and the Rev. Guy E. Tremaine will officiate. Burial will be in the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. The body is at the funeral home. Friends will be received after 2 p.m. Friday. --typed by Walt W