Oliver - Mark V

WAVELAND - Mark V. Oliver, 51, a graduate of Waveland High School, died suddenly Monday in his home at Bay Village, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.
He resided for many years with his aunt, Mrs. Lyman Botts, now of Waynetwon, when she lived at Waveland.
Mr. Oliver attended Wabash College and was graduated from the University of Chicago. He was a veteran of World War II and was employed by U. S. Steel Co. He held membership in the United Methodist Church.
He was born Nov. 2, 1919 at Clinton.
Surviving besides his aunt, Mrs. Botts, is his wife, the former Virginia Arvin of Waveland; his mother; two daughters; two brothers, and a sister.
Services will be conducted at 10 a. m. Thursday in Jenkins Funeral Chapel at West Lake, Ohio. Burial will be in Ohio.