Olds - Arch

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 27 Apr 1959 p 16 typed by Walt W
Arch H. Olds, 68, 404 E. Wabash Ave., died at noon Saturday in Culver Hospital after a short illness. Born Feb. 1, 1891, he was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Olds of Clinton, Mich. His early years were spent in Bluffton, Ind. From there he came to Wabash College, where he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and was graduated in 1913. He was associated with the Schwitzer Corp. of Indianapolis until his retirement in 1956. Mr. Olds was married June 21, 1924, to Esther Detchon of this city, who survives. There are no children. He was a member of the First Methodist Church, Rotary Club, Byron Cox Post 72 of the American Legion, the Columbia Club at Indianapolis and the Montgomery County Farm Bureau. He served in the Army in World War I. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Bright Funeral Home, where friends may call after 2 p.m. Monday. Dr. Ralph W. Graham, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will officiate and burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Olds prefers that flowers be omitted.