Nixon - John

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 21 July 1969 p 2
John Nixon, 80, of 402 Wayne Ave., a retired carpenter and construction worker, died Sunday (20 July 1969) in Culver Hospital after an extended illness. Mr. Nixon was a member of the Mt. Zion United Methodist church and Veterans of World War I Barracks 1567. He was in the medical corps during the war. A Montgomery County native, he was born May 2, 1889, a son of Samuel and Mahala B. Hoff Nixon. He was married Aug. 15, 1935, to Clara Couger. Surviving are the widow; a brother, James Nixon of Rt. 2, Waynetown; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Bell of Tacoma, Wash; a stepsister, Mrs. Pearl Pitzer of Kokomo; four nieces and five nephews. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Hunt and Son Funeral Home with Rev. John Modesitt officiating. Internment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday. - kbz