Nicholson, John Breaks

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Feb 17, 1944 pg 7 col. 7
John B. Nicholson, 64, years old, a life resident of this community who for many years was associated with the Dixie garage on E. Market Street died Thursday morning at Culver hospital. He had been ill several months with a complication of diseases. A veteran of the Spanish-American war and a member of Frank Britton camp of the United Spanish War Veterans Mr. nicholson was b. March 27, 1879 in Crawfordsville the son of Elihu and Ann Nicholson. He was a member of the Trinity Methodist church. Mr. Nicholson was married march 31, 1902 to Anna Roach who survives. Also surviving are three sons, Donald of this city; Robert of Ladoga and Frank in service with the navy at Great Lakes, Ill one daughter Mrs. Geraldine Ridlen of Springfield, Mo; a sister, Mrs. Bessie Keffer of Tacoma Park Md; 18 grandchildren and sev. nieces and nephews. For the past year, Mr. Nicholson has made his home in Mace. Previously he had lived in Crawfordsville. The body was taken to the Hunt & son funeral home where friends may pay their respects. Arrangements for the service will be announced later. --kbz