NELSON, Clark B.

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, May 19, 1905
Clark B. Nelson Succumbs to Dropsy at Soldiers Home Clark B. Nelson died at the Soldiers' Home at Marion Monday afternoon of old age and dropsy complications. "Hood" Nelson, as he was called, was for years a familiar figure on the streets here and was known by almost every man in the county. He was a man possessed of a kind heart, jovial and had more than average ability. He was an interesting talker, eccentric in some ways but a man generally admired. He was an old soldier fighting in the ranks of the columns of blue side by side with the privates in the ranks. At one time he was called before the commanding officers of his company and offered promotion and a commission for bravery. He refused saying that the life of a private suited him. He had an ingenious mind. It was he who conceived the idea which led to the manufacture of the Watson cresting. He was seventy-two years of age and was born in Bath county, Kentucky. He came here at an early day, having been a resident here for more than fifty years. His body was brought here today and taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Vance. - kbz