Myers - Charles E. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Myers - Charles E.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 17 Nov 1950

Charles E. Myers, 78, retired farmer, died Friday morning following an attack suffered while talking to a clerk in the Nye-Booe Drug Store on N. Washington Street. Mr. Myers home address is RR1, Waynetown. Immediately following the attack, the Bright Funeral home ambulance was called and Myers was rushed to Culver Hospital. He was dead upon his arrival at the hospital, Dr. Fred N. Daugherty stated. Mr. Myers, a life-long resident of this section of Indiana, had been residing at Bloomingdale recently. He had retired from active farm duties. Born July 16, 1872, in Parke County, Mr. Myers was the son of John A & Elizabeth Myers. His wife, Florence Nelson Myers, to whom he was married before the turn of the century, died in July 1921. Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Myers resided on a farm in Parke County and later they resided near Wallace. Many years ago they took up residence on a farm 4 mi. So. of Waynetown. Mr. Myers was deeply interested in horses throughout his entire life and kept many fine horses on his farms. He was a member of the Wallace Lutheran Church. Survivors include two sons, Foreign Myers and Troy Myers, both of Waynetown; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Hesler of Hillsboro and Mrs. Velma Cummigns, of Crawfordsville. Two brothers, OL Myers, of Marshall; and Jess Myers of Linnsburg and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Canine and Miss Tina Myers, both of Marshall. A sin, Raymond Myers, a daughter, Mrs. Beulah Myers, and an infant son preceded Mr. Myers in death. Two brothers, Wallace Myers and Elijah Myers, are deceased. The body was taken to the Bright Funeral Home and funeral arrangements will be announced upon their completion following the arrival of one of the brothers. - transcribed by kbz

16 July 1872 Parke County, Indiana died 17 Nov 1950 Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana buried Phanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Wallace
Source: Obituaries: 1950’s collection – Covington Public Library –-- thanks so much – hand dated 1950

Charles E. Myers, 78, a retired farmer of the Alamo vicinity and well known in this community, died Friday morning about 10 o’clock following an attack suffered while talking to a clerk in the Nye-Booe drug store in Crawfordsville. Immediately following the attack, the Bright Funeral Home of the city rushed Mr. Myers to the hospital in an ambulance.  Dr. Fred N. Daugherty of Crawfordsville stated he was dead on his arrival at the hospital.  Mr. Myers, a life-long resident of this section of Indiana had retired from active farm life and for a time resided with his children but for several months he had been residing in Bloomingdale.  Born July 16, 1872 in Parke County, Mr. Myers was the son of John A. and Elizabeth (Myers) Myers.  His wife, Florence Nelson Myers to whom he was married before the turn of the century died in July 1921.  Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Myers resided on a farm in Parke County and later resided near Wallace.  Many years ago they took up residence on a farm four miles south of Waynetown.  Mr. Myers was deeply interested in horses throughout his entire life and he kept many fine horses on his farms.  He was a member of the Wallace Lutheran Church.  Survivors include two sons, Foreign Myers and Troy Myers, both of Waynetown; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Hesler, of Hillsboro and Mrs. Velma Cummings of Crawfordsville; two brothers, OL Myers of Marshall and Jess Myers of Linnsburg and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Canine and Miss Tina Myers both of Marshall.  A son, Raymond Myers and an infant son and a daughter, Mrs. Beulah Myers preceded Mr. Myers in death.  Two brothers, Wallace Myers and Elijah Myers are also deceased.  The Rev. John Servies of Crawfordsville conducted the funeral service held at the Lutheran Church at Wallace Sunday afternoon.  Mrs. Carol Myer and Mrs. Pearl Hall of Hillsboro sang, Beautiful Isle of Somewhere accompanied by Mrs. Maxine Bever, Hillsboro. Maurice Bratton, Crawfordsville sang Whispering Hope accompanied by Curtis E. Bright, Crawfordsville.  Grandsons served as pall bearers: Delbert Myers, Danville, Ind; Leon Myers, Columbus, O; Harold Lee Hsler, Hillsboro; Paul Myers, Waynetown; Bill Jo and Ronald Cummings, Raymond Myers and Charles Myers of Crawfordsville. 29 relatives and friends carried the floral tributes and burial was in the family lot in the Lutheran cemetery. – kbz

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