Musgrove - Charles
Source: Columbus Republic Tue 12 Dec 1950 p 4
Crawfordsville Dec 12 – A rock slab weighing nearly a ton crushed Charles Musgrove, 19, Crawfordsville to death yesterday at the Oriental Brick corporation plant.
Source: Muncie Star Press Tue 12 Dec 1950 p 12
Crawfordsville, Dec 11 – A slab of shale weighing nearly a ton fell on Charles Musgrove, 19 today, crushing him to death. The accident occurred at the Oriental Brick Corporation plan where Musgrove was unloading the shale.
Obituaries: 1930’s collection – Covington Public Library –-- thanks so much - hand noted as …Dec 1950 (he died the 11th)
Charles Lee Musgrove, 18 years old, husband of the former Mary Lou Lowe of Veedersburg was fatally injured when struck by a heavy slab of frozen shale Monday morning at the Oriental Brick Company plant in Crawfordsville. He died on the way to Culver Hospital. The young man was working at the bottom of a hopper car as a fellow worker helped to unload the shale when a large chunk fell and struck him. Dr. Jess Burks, Montgomery County coroner reported that the victim’s skull was fractured and his neck broken. Mr. Musgrove was born Feb 20, 1932 in Indianapolis. He had lived for some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Charles McCowan at 1108 Tuttle Avenue, Crawfordsville. He was married last July 28 to Miss Lowe, who survives with his parents, Virgil Musgrove of Wheeler, Ill and Mrs. John Waddell of Greencastle. He was a member of the Limedale Community Church and Indiana National Guard. The funeral was conducted in the Church of God in Crawfordsville at 10:30 a.m. Thursday by Rev. Lester Paul with burial in the Masonic Cemetery. - kbz