Muhleisen - Ellen McNeeley
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Monday, November 12, 1906
Mrs. Ellen Muhleisen, wife of Albert Muhleisen died Sunday night shortly after 9 o'clock at her home on west Market street as a result of a stroke of paralysis, which she suffered earlier in the day. For a year Mrs. Muhleisen's health has been failing and for several days she has been ailing considerably. On Sunday morning she suffered paralytic stroke and continued to grow worse until relieved by death at the hour stated. Mrs. Muhleisen leaves a husband, mother, sister, and brother. Mrs. Muhleisen was the daughter of Jeremiah McNeeley, who came here from Jefferson county, Indiana, and married Marjorie E. Hall, the latter having been born in this county. Mrs. Muhleisen was born in Crawfordsville on April 5, 1861, and was at the time of her death past forty-five years of age. The funeral will occur at the residence at 2 o'clock on Tuesday and will be conducted by Rev. Walton of Indianapolis, pastor of the Episcopal church of this city. Interment will take place at Oak Hill cemetery
Thanks muches Kim H :) kz