Munns - Mabel Galloway - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Munns - Mabel Galloway

Source: Waveland Independent 1-16-1931

Mrs. Mabel C. Munns, wife of Howard Munns, committed suicide on Friday morning at her home near New Market by drinking condensed lye. She lived but a short time. The act is attributed to despondency and she has twice attempted suicide. Funeral services at the home on Monday afternoon were in charge of Rev. Victor Keiser. She is survived by the husband and a six year old daughter. The husband is a brother of Mrs. Fred Maxwell.  - transcribed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review, Saturday, Jan 10, 1931

(New Market) Funeral services for Mrs. Mabel MUNNS, who ended   her life Friday morning by drinking lye, will be held at the   Munns' home, two miles northeast of here, Monday afternoon at   1:30 o'clock, Rev. Kaiser will have charge of the services with   burial in Masonic Cemetery, Crawfordsville.
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