Mount, James Atwell - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Mount, James Atwell

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana January 18, 1901

Ex-Governor, James A. Mount was stricken by apoplexy on Wednesday evening and in 15 minutes was dead. His death was a universal surprise. The body will be interred at Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville tomorrow afternoon. He was born and spent most of his life in this county. While yet a boy, he saw three years service in the Civil War. Beginning with nothing, he became a successful farmer; served his county in the senate; was elected governor, which station he held for four years with credit. He conscientiously did the duty that came next to hand. His death at the comparitively early age of 58 is a great loss to the state. - typed by kbz

Note: much more on this site about Gov. Mount

Source: New Richmond Record 24 Jan 1901 p 2

James A. Mount, who had only relinquished the reins of the governorship on Monday, died in his apartments in the Denison hotel at 6 o’clock last Wednesday evening, death being the result of heart disease. Mr. Mount had only just returned from a walk and suddenly became ill, was assisted to bed and was dead within twenty minutes. Following so closely upon his retirement from the office of governor brings this strange coincidence of the closing of his official and political record and the book of life together. Mr. Mount was a great and good man, but the ordeal of official incumbrances were arduous indeed and he was longing to get back to the farm there to remain to live until a ripe old age.  The capital city papers had presented by cartoons the homecoming of James A. Mount back to the farm and the joyful greeting of the beasts of the farm upon his return; and all these things call sympathy for the bereaved wife. Friday last was to have been the day of their return to their old home at Shannondale. The funeral occurred Saturday. The remains lay in state in the capital all day Friday. Saturday morning they were brought to Crawfordsville and lay in state in the court house from 10 till 2 o’clock and where they were seen by thousands of people. The funeral was then held from the Center Presbyterian church, interment being made in Oak Hill cemetery.

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