MORGAN, Charles Clayton

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 19-Nov-1951 p 1
Sargeant First Class Charles C. Morgan, 23-year-old son of Mrs. Lorene Morgan, Terre Haute road, was killed in action Nov. 4 in Korea, according to word received Friday evening by the mother from the Department of Defense. A member of Co. A 31st regt, 7th inf. div, Sgt. Morgan had been in service in Korea since last April. He enlisted Nov 6, 1950. Born Aug 4, 1928, near New Market, Sgt. Morgan was graduated from the New Market high school. He was living at the family home, three miles southwest of here, when he entered Army service. Those surviving besides the rmother are two brothers, John W. Morgan and Carroll Morgan, both at home, and three sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Devitt, 905 E. Market St, Mrs. Lawrence Breedlove, 1010A Parkway Drive and Mrs. Gerald Eminger, Crawofrdsville. The father, Cecil preceded him in death. Relatives are awaiting further word concerning the death of Sgt. Morgan, who gave his life in Korea on Nov. 4.
Source: Waveland Independent, Nov 22, 1951
KIA -- Mrs. Carl Smith received word last Thursday of the death of her nephew, Charles Clayton Morgan who was killed in action in Korea on November 4th, according to the word received by his mother from the Department of Defense. Sgt. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morgan lived in Waveland a number of years ago. Mr. Morgan passed away on April 14, 1946. Charles was born Aug 4, 1928 near New Market and wa sliving at home near there when he enlisted in the Army in November after graduating from the New Market High School in 1950. There survive besides the mother who now resides in Crawfordsville, two brothers, John W. and Carrol, both at home and three sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Devitt and Mrs. Larence Breedlove of Kendallville. With the 7th Infantry in Korea Charles was awarded a combat promotion to Sgt 1st class for excellent performance of duty in action. Morgan was a platoon sgt. with the 7th Inf. Div. , 31st Polar Bear regiment. The 7th Div. has been engaged in savage fighting during recent weeks. It is one of 3 div. participating in assaults on positions on the fronts. He wore the Korean service medal with two campaign stars. Sgt. Morgan's death came as more of a shock as he was to have come home the first of January.
Source: ??
Funeral services for Sfc. Charles Clayton Morgan were held at the Proffitt & Sons Fun. Home Sat aft with Montgomery Co Post of the VFW conducting military rites at the graveside in Masonic Cem. Rev. John R. Servies was the offic. minister. Assisting at the rites as pallbearers were Robert , Raymond, Paul and James Morgan, Russell Barker and William Wasson. Those who helped with the flowers included Mrs. Robert Morgan, Mrs James Morgan, Mrs. Paul Morgan, Mrs. William Wasson, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. Ruth Joiner, Mrs. Russell Barker, Mrs. Fred BAZZANI; Miss Hulda SMITH; Mrs. Lee Brookshire, Geraldine Joiner, Gwendolyn Morgan, Anita and Janet Kay Morgan, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Margare Buser, Mrs. Jean Servies, Lois Quigg, Mrs. Darlene Brooks and members of the 1946 grad. class of New market HS. Sfc. Morgan, son of Mrs. Lorena Morgan of the Terre Haute Rd, was killed Nov 4 in the bitter fighting in Korea, his body arrived here last Friday.
Source: Journal Review Feb 5, 1952 p 10 col 5
Charles Clayton Morgan, RFD 3, Crawfordsville recently was awarded a promotion to Sgt in Korea. Morgan, assistant gunner on a rocket launcher int he 7th Inf. Div 31st Polar Bear Infantry regiment earned the promotion during the regiment's recent drive across the 38th parallel into North Korea. Morgan's unit has been fighting in the Korean campaign since the Inchon Landing last Sept. He entered the army in Nov 1950.
Source: ?? Newspaper -- TWO HOOSIERS DIE IN KOREA
The Department of Defense announced today that two more Hoosiers have been killed in action in the Korean fight and two more have been wounded. KIA -- Cpl. Rudolph T. BRUGGNER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bruggner, 2215 S. Illinois and Sgt 1-C Chalres C. Morgan, son of Mrs. Lorene Morgan, Crawfordsville. The body of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Clayton Morgan, 23-year-old son of Mrs. Lorene Morgan, Terre Haute Rd is now en route to the US from Korea, the mother was notified Thursday morning by the Department of Denfense. Sgt. Morgan an infantryman was killed in action NOv 4, 1951 while serving with the 31st Reg. of the 7th Div. He enlisted Nov 6, 1950 and was sent overseas in April 1951. Surviving, besides the mother are 3 sisters: Mrs. Lawrence Devitt, 905 E. Market St; Mrs. Lawrence Breedlove, 1010 Parkway Dr, and Mrs. Gerald Eminger of Kendallville and two brother, John and Carroll Dean at the family home, two miles SW of town. Sftc Charles Clayton Morgan's funeral services were held at the profifit & Son Funeral Home Sat afternoon, with Montgomery co. Post of the VFW conducting military rites at the gravesite in Masonic Cem. Rev. John R. Servies was the officiating minister. Assisting at the rites as pallbearers were RObert Morgan; raymond Morgan; Paul & James Morgan; Russell Barker and William Wasson. Those who helped with flowers included: Mrs. Robert Morgan; Mrs. James Morgan; Mrs. Paul Morgan ; Mrs Wm. Wasson; Mrs. John Moore; Mrs. Ruth Joiner; Mrs Russell Barker; Mrs.Fred Bazzani; Miss Hulda Smith; Mrs. Lee Brookshire; Geraldine Joiner; Gwendolyn Morgan; Anita Morgan; Janet Kay Morgan; Mrs. Rice;Mrs Margaret Buser; mrs. Jean Servies; Lois Quigg; Mrs. Darlene Brooks and members of the 1946 graduating Class of new Market HS> Sfc Morgan, son of Mrs. Lorene Morgan of the Terre Haute Rd was killed nov 4 in the bitter fighting in Korea. His body arrived here last Friday.
=== In memory of Sfc Charles Clayton Morgan who was killed in action Nov 4, 1951 in Korea. Not a day do we forgot you. In our hearts you are always near. we who loved you dearly miss you. As it dawns another year. Sadly missed by Mom, brothers, sisters and familiies.
Hand typed obituary found in belongings of Caroll Dean Morgan, brother of Clayton
On August 4, 1928, near New Market, Indiana a son, Charles Clayton was born to Cecil and Lorene Morgan. He was known as "Clayton" to his friends and to his classmates of the New Market School where he attended and was graduated in 1946, Those who knew him would say that his life interests were centered around his community and his home. He was engaged in the sawmill business with his brother John. He was thought of as a youth having a cheerful and pleasant disposition with a smile for everyone. After entering the service of his country on NOv 6, 1950, he received his basic training at Camp Breckenridge, Ky. In April 1951, he was sent to Korea as a member of Company A, 31st Regiment, 7th Infantry division wher ehe attained the rank of Sgt First Class. He was killed in Action in Korea on NOv 4, 1951 on Heartbreak Ridge, while on patron duty locating enemy positions. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lorene Morgan and two brothers, John and Carroll Morgan at home; 3 sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Devitt and Mrs. Lawrence Breedlove of Crawfordsville, Mrs. Gerald Eminger of Kendallville; two nieces, one nephew, and a host of relatives and friends. The father, Cecil Morgan preceded him in death in 1946.
Clayt was my first cousin, once-removed. It is such a sad thing that he died like that. His letters (which I may/may not put up here someday) put a person to tears realizing what a harsh, and horrible war the Korean one was. KZ