Miller - Hugh "Buddy"

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 3 Jan 1967 p 1 typed by Walt W
Hugh A. ( Buddy) Miller, who played forward on Crawfordsville High School's 1911 Indiana state championship basketball team, died Sunday night at his home, 107 E. Jefferson St., after a long illness. He was 73. A native of this city, he was born March 12, 1893 to Leroy and Harriet Binford Miller. He was a 1912 graduate of CHS, where he was a member of David A. Glascock's team that captured the title in the first state high school tournament ever held—at the old frame gymnasium long known as Assembly Hall on the Indiana University campus in Bloomington. Mr. Miller was a 1916 graduate of Wabash College, where he was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. He was an army veteran of World War I and a member of Byron Cox Post of the American Legion. Mr. Miller was a 50-year Mason here, a member of the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church and a past president of the Crawfordsville Country Club. He was president of the Indiana Printing Co. until retiring in 1959. Associated with him in the business was his brother, Binford Miller, who died in 1964. He was married Sept. 29, 1951 to Doris Rafferty, who survives. Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. (Joann) W. M. Taylor of Crawfordsville; a granddaughter, Nancy Taylor, and grandson, Dr. Willis Taylor of Indianapolis, and a sister, Miss Agnes Miller of Orlando, Fla. Funeral services are announced for 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Hunt and Son Funeral Home, with Rev. Larimore Wickett the minister and burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Tuesday. The family has said that if friends desire they may, in lieu of flowers, contribute to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 5 Jan 1967 p 10 typed by Walt W Funeral services for Hugh A. (Buddy) Miller were held Wednesday afternoon in the Hunt and Son Funeral Home with Rev. Larimore K. Wickett officiating. Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery. Serving as honorary pallbearers were Dave Glascock, Henry Nickloy, Clyde Krug, Will Hays Jr., John Clements, Dolsen Carrigan, Cleo Shaw, Raymond Evans and Forrest Howell. Active pallbearers were Bill Cummings, Jerry Norvell, Richard Howell, James Barnhill, Walter Hamilton and Charles Hummel. Mr. Miller, retired Crawfordsville businessman, died Sunday evening at his home.