Mikels - Simeon
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Friday, 16 February 1900
We were surprised and shocked when we heard the words, “Simon Michaels is dead.” This was the first intimation we had of his sickness. We have known him since the war of 1861. He served three years as a private in Co. B, 17th Ind. Inf. He was a good and true soldier, a kind father, a loving husband, a good neighbor, a loyal citizen, an uncompromising Republican, and a true and tried comrade. We will think of him and his virtues only. His faults we bury with his body, remembering that we, too, are mortal. The family and friends have our sympathy. – thanks so much to “S” for all her great obit work on this site
Simeon Mikels, of Wilder’s brigade during the war of ’61-’65. was stricken with paralysis. He was in Co. H. 17th Indiana Mounted Infantry. He died Tuesday, nearly 60 years of age. Interment was in Peterson Cemetery - s