Mitchell - Harry - Span Amer d camp
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Fri Oct 14, 1898
Harry Mitchell, a member of Com-M, died in the hospital at Camp Mount on Monday.
Source: Crawfordsville Review October 15, 1898
Harry Mitchell, of Company M, whose parents reside in the northwest part of town, died at Camp Mount, Indianapolis on Monday, after a sickness of near a month. He was an excellent young man, beloved by his comrades. The remains were received her by his friends on Tuesday and buried on Wednesday. – thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Oct 14, 1898
The body of Harry Mitchell, the Company M boy who died in the Indianapolis hospital Monday was brought here Tuesday, the young man's father accompanying the body home. Company M was at the train and acted as escort from the station to the family residence near the Iron Bridge. The funeral occurred Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the company attended the body. The burial was in accordance with military usages. Harry Mitchell was 20 years of age, was an estimable young man. During his service in the company he deported himself as a true soldier and won the esteem not only of his fellows, but of the regimental officers. Colonel Smith, Monday spoke of him as one of the best soldiers in his regiment. – thanks to Kim H