McCorkle - Charles Howard

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 26 Dec 1963 p 10 typed by Walt W
WAYNETOWN --- Funeral services for Charles Howard McCorkle, age 66, of Wingate, brother of Mrs. Alice Finney of Attica, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 28, at the Servies Funeral Home here. The Rev. Rob R. James officiated and burial was in MeHarry Cemetery. Masonic rites were conducted at the funeral home on Friday night. Mr. McCorrkle died at 12:50 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24, at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lafayette. He had been ill the past several years and seriously ill since Monday. He was born April 27, 1897, in Jackson Township, the son of John and Terrie DeVore McCorkle. He was married Aug. 7, 1937, at Rockport, to Irene McCoy, who survives. He was associated with the Farmers State Bank at Wingate for 35 years and later operated a farm north of Wingate. He was a member of the Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge, Medinah Temple Scottish Rite at Chicago, American Legion Post, and Coal Creek Township Farm Bureau. He was a former director of the Tipmont REMC. He graduated from Northwestern University and was as member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He served in the Navy during World War I. Surviving, in addition to his wife, are: two sons, John H., at home and Charles A., a senior at Purdue University; and two sisters, Mrs. Finney of Attica and Mrs. Mildred Risk of Wingate.
Source: obituary in a scrapbook from a collection of Fauniel Hershberger's typed by Walt W
WINGATE -- The Masonic funeral rites for C. Howard McCorkle were held at 3 o'clock Friday evening at the Servies Funeral Home. The acting worshipful master was Roy Meharry, chaplain William Fultz, junior warden Jack Harris, Tyler Woodrow Myers, senior steward Joe Snellenbarger, treasurer J. C. Rhodesa other members participating in the service were Dale Jones, Harold Oxley, Lee Meharry, Maurice Coffman, John C. Bowers, Carl W. Jones, Byron Cowan, Rex Fultz, Gordon Holloway, Ralph Beard, W. Morris McCulloch, Donald M. Cowan, Chelsey C. Holmes, Robert L Rankin, and William Marquess. At two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the church funeral service was held. The Rev. Rob R. James pastor of the Methodist Church gave the discourse which was preceded and followed with the music of hymns by Mrs. Wreatha Oxley at the organ. The pall bearers were Roy Meharry; Clarence Rhodes, Max McCullough, Charles McCorkle, Gerald Risk and Don Dolan. Interment was made in the Meharry cemetery where the Wingate Post of the American Legion performed the military rites. The color guard was Jean Clark, Chelsey Holmes, Darrell Allen, Dr. R. W. Wann; the firing squad was Richard Cheek, Estel Cheek, Leonard Pittman, M. E. Stockdale, Wiley Robbins, Vergil Dazey, Mark Pickel and Kenneth Wilson, with Don Gross commander. Taps and echo were played by Sam Wann and Jimmie Allen. The chaplain O. K. Buckles folded the flag and presented it to Mrs. McCorkle.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 26 December 1963 p 10
WINGATE -- Charles Howard McCorkle, 66-year-old prominent resident of this community died at 12:50 a.m. Tuesday in St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Lafayette. He had been in failing health several years and seriously ill since Monday when he was admitted to the hospital. Mr. McCorkle was associated with Farmers State Bank here 35 years. He later operated a farm north of here. He was a member of the Methodist Church here, Medinah Temple Scottish Rite at Chicago, Coal Creek Township Farm Bureau, Masonic Lodge and American Legion here and was active in other civic organizations. He also was a former director of Tipmont REMC. Born April 27,1897 in Jackson Township in Tippecanoe County, he was the son of John and Carrie DeVore McCorkle. He was married Aug. 7, 1937 to Irene McCoy. They were married at Rockport. He attended school here and was a graduate of Northwestern University where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy during World War I. Survivors include the widow; two sons, John H. at home and Charles A., who is a senior at Purdue University; and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Finney of Attica and Mrs. Mildred Risk of Wingate. The body was taken to Servies Funeral Home at Waynetown where friends may pay their respects after 2 p.m. Friday. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home at 2 p.m. Saturday with Rev. Rob R. James officiating. There will be Masonic rites at the funeral home at 8 p.m. Friday. Interment will be in Meharry Cemetery north of here. The family requests that contributions be made to the Heart Fund in lieu of flowers.