McCranor - David
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 23, 1895 p 1
Ed Voris received a telegram this morning stating that David McCranor, who went to Hot Sprints, Ark a short time ago, had died. his sister, Mrs. A.E. Voris and son Cliff were with him when he passed away. Mr. McCranor for many years was a miner in Montana but the past year had been located in this city. He was about 55 and had been for some time afflicted with paralysis The remains will arrive tomorrow evening on the 6:19 train over the Vandalia - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 23 Nov 1895 p 1
David McCranor, known to a few acquaintances here as he had not resided here a great length of time, died at Hot Springs, Arkansas on Monday last. He was a brother of Mrs. Lizzie Voris, living on south Water street. The remains were brought here and interred at Oak Hill. He was a single man, aged 57 years. He leaves a fortune to his relatives, having been engaged for many years in mining enterprises – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 22 November 1895
David McCranor, brother of Mrs. Lizzie Voris, on South Water Street, died Monday night at Hot Springs. The immediate cause of his death is not known, but as he had a stroke of paralysis about a year ago, it is supposed by his friends here that it was a second stroke which proved fatal. Mr. McCranor was about 57 years old, but had never married. His life has been spent in the west, but for the last year or more he has resided in this city. He was a large operator in mining, and leaves a handsome fortune. His mother is still living and resides with her daughter, Mrs. Voris. The remains will be brought here for interment. - s
Source: Helena Evening Herald Fri Nov 29, 1895 p 8
David McCranor, well known throughout Monday died on Tuesday of last week at Arkansas Hot Spring where he had been for some time under treatment. His affliction was paralysis with which he was first attacked months ago. David McCranor for about a quarter of a century was a resident of Montana. He was engaged in merchandising, mining, freighting and other pursuits, his home at different periods being in Helena, Sheridan, Butte and elsewhere in later years he had mining properties of value in Madison County and in their development and operation the wealthy Mr. Leiter of Chicago and other eastern capitalists were interested. In later life his health was impaired and he traveled west and east and south seeking benefit by change of climate. He was of an active, speculative turn and at Chicago and New York business shrewdness earned for him considerable money which added to accumulations here, placed him in good circumstances. Mr. McCranor was a native of Indiana. At Crawfordsville in that state his mother and several sisters reside. His burial will take place at the old Indiana home.
Note: Born Montgomery County, Ohio 10 January 1837 died 19 Nov 1895 in Hot Spring County, Arkansas buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
Source: The Mountaineer
David McCranor week (sic – well) known throughout Montana died on Tuesday of last week at Arkansas Hot Springs where he had been some time under treatment. His affliction was parlysis with which he was first attacked months ago; David McCranor for about a ¼ of a century was a resident of Montana. He was engaged in merchandizing, mining, freighting and other pursuits, his home at different periods being in Helena, Sheridan, Butte and elsewhere in later years he had mining properties of value in Madison County and in their development and operation the wealthy Mr. Leiter of Chicago and other Eastern capitalists were interested. In later life his health was impaired and he traveled west and east and south, seeking benefit by change of climate. His burial took place at his native home, Crawfordsville, Ind.
Madison County No 130 – in the matter of the
estate of David McCranor
10 Aug 1896 – Alden Bennett exec – inventory & appraisement
An undivided 1/5 interest in the Olin Lode, Mineral Entry 413, situated in Vipond Mining District, Beaverhead Co Montana valued at $100
An undivided ¼ interest in the Granby Lodge No 414 – Vipond mining district valued $100
An undivided ½ interest in the VanMeter Lode, Mineral Entry No 2272 situated in the Tidal Wave Mining District, Madison Co Montana valued at $250
Cash … $1335
Note Samuel Ogden secured by mortgage $1100
Note Robert Simpson and interest secured by mortgage $447
Total - $3332
Proof of advertising – several papers
Alden J. Bennett having filed in this court a duly verified and authenticated copy of the probate of the last will and testament of David McCranor, deceased in the proper court of the county of Montgomery state of Indiana accompanied by a certified copy of the last will & t of said D McC and petition of Alden J. Bennett, the application of Clif. Voris, exec of said will and that said Alden Bennett be appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said David McC in the state of Montana – two o’clock on said day Mon 18 May 1896 – City of Va Co of Mad state of montana
Cost the estate way too much if Cliff Voris were to come to Montana so Alden given exec
Final – to the said Cliff Voris – residency ? legatee under the terms of the will all of the residue of said estate remaining in the hands of said admin$1734.34$450 value of the mining properties
10 Aug 1896 – Alden Bennett exec – inventory & appraisement
An undivided 1/5 interest in the Olin Lode, Mineral Entry 413, situated in Vipond Mining District, Beaverhead Co Montana valued at $100
An undivided ¼ interest in the Granby Lodge No 414 – Vipond mining district valued $100
An undivided ½ interest in the VanMeter Lode, Mineral Entry No 2272 situated in the Tidal Wave Mining District, Madison Co Montana valued at $250
Cash … $1335
Note Samuel Ogden secured by mortgage $1100
Note Robert Simpson and interest secured by mortgage $447
Total - $3332
Proof of advertising – several papers
Alden J. Bennett having filed in this court a duly verified and authenticated copy of the probate of the last will and testament of David McCranor, deceased in the proper court of the county of Montgomery state of Indiana accompanied by a certified copy of the last will & t of said D McC and petition of Alden J. Bennett, the application of Clif. Voris, exec of said will and that said Alden Bennett be appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said David McC in the state of Montana – two o’clock on said day Mon 18 May 1896 – City of Va Co of Mad state of montana
Cost the estate way too much if Cliff Voris were to come to Montana so Alden given exec
Final – to the said Cliff Voris – residency ? legatee under the terms of the will all of the residue of said estate remaining in the hands of said admin$1734.34$450 value of the mining properties
Montana Post Dec 28, 1867 p 7
David McCranor, Sheriff – sheriff sale of property of N. Batchelder and William Phillips
David McCranor, Sheriff – sheriff sale of property of N. Batchelder and William Phillips
Helena Weekly Herald Aug 18, 1881 p 8
Mr. David McCranor one of the sturdy old Republican wheel horses of Montana and Mr. Woods one of the discoverers of Leadville who last year visited the mining camps from Denver to Mexico are looking over Montana mining fields this year with the object of finding something good that has not been “boomed.” They were in town Monday and are visiting the Beartown mines at present. – New Northwest
Mr. David McCranor one of the sturdy old Republican wheel horses of Montana and Mr. Woods one of the discoverers of Leadville who last year visited the mining camps from Denver to Mexico are looking over Montana mining fields this year with the object of finding something good that has not been “boomed.” They were in town Monday and are visiting the Beartown mines at present. – New Northwest
Dillon Montana Dillon Tribune Fri Aug 6, 1897 p A3
Sheridan News-- Tourists going to the park frequently pass through here. A party of six from Crawfordsville, Ind on their return from the Christian Endeavor convention at San Francisco made a detour at Whitehall coming here for a few days to visit the Leiter mines; as one of the party was a sister of the late David McCranor former owner of this noted group of mines. This lady, Mrs. Vooris (sic) had never seen a mine and was interested in seeing the place where her brother had spent so many years of his life. They returned to Whitehall on Wednesday to go to the park via Cinnabar.
Sheridan News-- Tourists going to the park frequently pass through here. A party of six from Crawfordsville, Ind on their return from the Christian Endeavor convention at San Francisco made a detour at Whitehall coming here for a few days to visit the Leiter mines; as one of the party was a sister of the late David McCranor former owner of this noted group of mines. This lady, Mrs. Vooris (sic) had never seen a mine and was interested in seeing the place where her brother had spent so many years of his life. They returned to Whitehall on Wednesday to go to the park via Cinnabar.
The Montanian Thursday July 18, 1872 p 8
The Republican Territorial Convention met at the Opera House in Helena, Montana July 3, 1872. David McCranor was chairman and elected a delegate from Madison.
The Republican Territorial Convention met at the Opera House in Helena, Montana July 3, 1872. David McCranor was chairman and elected a delegate from Madison.
of Montana by Joaquin Miller, 1894
Montana Archives, maintained by
McCranor, one of the earliest settlers and best known citizens of Montana, now
of Madison County was born in Germantown, Ohio, January 8, 1838, son of James
and Elizabeth (Bender) McCranor. His father who was a cabinetmaker by trade,
died when David was seven years old, and thus deprived of a father's care,
young McCranor was early in life thrown upon his own resources, and ere long
not only provided for himself but also assisted in the support of the
family. Growing up under these
circumstances, his schooling was of a necessity limited. In 1856 while still in his teens, ambitious
and eager to see the world and make a fortune.
Mr. McCranor went to California and began mining. He mined on Johnston's bar and made some
money. He had been there eighteen months when the Pike's Peak excitement broke
out in Colorado and the news of the gold discovery at that place spread all
over the country. He was among others
who made a rush for that place and IN Russell Gulch he mined until the
following year, 1860. In 1863 the Salmon
River gold find brought him to Montana but he came only as far as Bannack. He
afterward began mining in Alder gulch where he made money and remained until
1870. That year he turned his attention
to merchandising at Silver Bow, where he conducted business two years, after
which he again came to Madison County, this time settling at Sheridan. For ten consecutive years he has successfully
engaged in mercantile pursuits at Sheridan.
In 1882 he again began mining, which he continued successfully until
failing health compelled him to dispose of his property and retire from active
business operations. While he calls Madison County his home he spends his
winters in the genial climate of sunny California.
The Madisonian Sat March 14, 1874 p 2
David McCranor for the past nine years a citizen of Montana Territory and a native of Germantown in this county is on a visit to his friends in this city looking hale and hearty. He reports the Territory in a highly flourishing condition, the recent panic having had no unfavorable effect upon its enterprising gold-digging citizens – Dayton Ohio Herald. From the above it will be seen that Dave is conducting himself proper. His many friends will be pleased to hear that he is doing our people and Territory good service in circulating truthful reports.
David McCranor for the past nine years a citizen of Montana Territory and a native of Germantown in this county is on a visit to his friends in this city looking hale and hearty. He reports the Territory in a highly flourishing condition, the recent panic having had no unfavorable effect upon its enterprising gold-digging citizens – Dayton Ohio Herald. From the above it will be seen that Dave is conducting himself proper. His many friends will be pleased to hear that he is doing our people and Territory good service in circulating truthful reports.
Montana US Appointments of US Postmasters
Sheridan – Thaddeus Hamilton 10 Sept 1876 – David McCranor Nov 1879 John Hall April 1880
Sheridan – Thaddeus Hamilton 10 Sept 1876 – David McCranor Nov 1879 John Hall April 1880
census Sheridan Madison Montana Dwelling 3 – age 40 b Ohio single father b
Scotland Mother Germany single Miner
The Madisonian Sat 9 May 1896 p 3
State of Montana, County of Madison in the district court. In the matter of the estate of David McCranor, deceased. Notice for publication of the appointed for proving will, etc. Pursuant to an order of said court made on the 21st day of March 1896 notice is hereby given that Monday the 18th day of May 1896 at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day at the court room of said court at the courthouse in the City of Virginia, county of Madison has been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said David McCranor deceased and for hearing the application of Alden J. Bennett for the issuance to him of letters with the will annexd when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Thomas Suncan, Clerk – first published April 11, 1896
State of Montana, County of Madison in the district court. In the matter of the estate of David McCranor, deceased. Notice for publication of the appointed for proving will, etc. Pursuant to an order of said court made on the 21st day of March 1896 notice is hereby given that Monday the 18th day of May 1896 at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day at the court room of said court at the courthouse in the City of Virginia, county of Madison has been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said David McCranor deceased and for hearing the application of Alden J. Bennett for the issuance to him of letters with the will annexd when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Thomas Suncan, Clerk – first published April 11, 1896
Society of Montana Pioneers p 190
David McCranor, son of James and Elizabeth (Bender) McCranor; born at Germantown, Ohio Jan 8, 1839. Went to California in 1856. Place of departure for Montana, Pike’s Peak, Colorado; route traveled across the plains via Soda springs; arrived at Virginia City Aug 5, 1863. Occupation: Miner. Last address, Sheridan. Sheriff of Madison County.
David McCranor, son of James and Elizabeth (Bender) McCranor; born at Germantown, Ohio Jan 8, 1839. Went to California in 1856. Place of departure for Montana, Pike’s Peak, Colorado; route traveled across the plains via Soda springs; arrived at Virginia City Aug 5, 1863. Occupation: Miner. Last address, Sheridan. Sheriff of Madison County.
The Yankton Press and Union and Dakotaian Thu 23 July 1874 p 4
Washington July 11 – The Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Indiana Affairs and the Board of Indian Commissioners acting conjointly have, today made the following awards for contracts for Indian supplies during the fiscal year to end June 30, 1875. The following awards were may for supplying flours – for the Fort Hall Agency to David McCranor of Montana at $4.80; McCranor also secures a contract for flour for the Blackfeet Agency at $5.50 per cwt. Owing to the ravages of grasshoppers in this vicinity the supply of flour for the Blackfeet is to be imported from a distance at the above high price. The quantity, however is only 225,0000 lbs. Beef cattle contracts are awarded as follows, the prices being per 100 pounds gross. For the Fort Hall Agency, Idaho Territory, David McCranor at $2.40. For the Blackfeet Agency, David McCranor at $2.20.
Washington July 11 – The Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Indiana Affairs and the Board of Indian Commissioners acting conjointly have, today made the following awards for contracts for Indian supplies during the fiscal year to end June 30, 1875. The following awards were may for supplying flours – for the Fort Hall Agency to David McCranor of Montana at $4.80; McCranor also secures a contract for flour for the Blackfeet Agency at $5.50 per cwt. Owing to the ravages of grasshoppers in this vicinity the supply of flour for the Blackfeet is to be imported from a distance at the above high price. The quantity, however is only 225,0000 lbs. Beef cattle contracts are awarded as follows, the prices being per 100 pounds gross. For the Fort Hall Agency, Idaho Territory, David McCranor at $2.40. For the Blackfeet Agency, David McCranor at $2.20.