McAlister - Roland S - 1963 - WWI
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 1 June 1963
Funeral services for Roland S. McAlister were held Saturday morning at Hunt & Son Funeral Home, Rev. John Services and Rev. Paul Isgrigg in charge. Lucille Shull and James Caldwell sang Beyond the Sunset and Goodnight and Good morning. They were accompanied by Mrs. O.C. Edwards at the organ. Serving as pallbearers and assisting with flowers were Kenneth Reichard; Keith Reichard; Donald Cooper; Eston Cooper; Everett Cooper and Floyd Simmons. Military graveside rites were conducted at Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. The firing squad consisted of Terry Maxwell; Sam Spore; Gene Dagley; Herman Thompson; Harold Proctor; George Myers and Harry Rhoades. The squad was commanded by Al Johnson. The flag was folded by James Haskett and Hursel Utterback; Eugene Crescioul (?) played taps. Mr. McAlister died Wednesday after an extended illness (May 29). == kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 29 May 1963 p 4 (note there was a photo but it was very dark so not including it)
Roland S. McAlister, 65, retired RR Donnelley & Sons employee died Wednesday morning at Culver Hospital. He had been a patient there since Friday and had been seriouly ill for the past several weeks. Mr. McAlister was born Aug 31, 1897, at Mellott, the son of John and Minnie Cooper McAlister. He was married three times. The first marriage was in June 1921 to Marie Hipes. The second marriage was to Florence Gay in December 1942. She died in November 1953. His third marriage was in January of 1955 to Ruth Proctor who survives. Mr. McAlister had been employed at Donnelleys and retired in 1959, due to his failing health.
He was a member of the First Christian Church at Mellott and was a veteran of WWI. Survivors include the widow; four children, Roland Jr. and Samuel, both of Crawfordsville; two daughters, Barbara Gay of Peoria, Ill and Rebecca DeBrosnia and three stepdaughters, Ann Morgan of Crawfordsville; Bertha Maxwell of Seymour and Carolyn Fleck of Elks City, Okla and 23 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Hunt & Son Funeral Home with Rev. John Services and Rev. Papul ?grigg officiating. Burial will be in Waynetown Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 1 p.m. Thursday. - kbz