McALISTER, Arkless R.

Akkless R. "Arkie" McAlister
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, November 4, 1972
A. R. "Arkie" McAlister, 41, of Rt. 4, Crawfordsville, died suddenly at 8 p.m. Friday after suffering a heart attack at his home two miles west of Crawfordsville. Mr. McAlister had been an Eli Lily Clinic patient at Indianapolis. For the past two years Mr. McAlister had been a Montgomery County deputy sheriff and had served as turnkey at the jail. Prior to that he was employed by the New York Central Railroad. He served with the U. S. Navy during the Korean War. Mr. McAlister was a member of the Center Christian Church near Elmdale where he served as assistant Sunday School superintendent. He was also president of the Center Circle Sunday School Class. He was a member of the Crawfordsville VFW Post 1431; served as assistant cub master for Cub Pack 344 of Mt. Zion, and was manager for a Crawfordsville Little Baseball team. Baseball team. Mr. McAlister was born Jan. 9, 1931, in Mellott, a son of Ralph and Flossie Clark McAlister. He was a graduate of Richmond Township High School in 1951. He was married to Margaret. E. Lane May 30, 1954, at the home of the bride's grandfather, Rev. John R. Servies. He is survived by the widow; his mother of Mellott; one son, David Leslie, and a daughter Sharon Lynn, both at home; two sisters, Mrs. Willis (Gail) Whitaker and Mrs. Grant (Gloria) Knowles, both of Mellott, and several aunts, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father, four uncles and an aunt. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Center Christian Church north of Elmdale. Rev. Frank Williams will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery near the church. The body will lie in state one hour prior to the service. Friends may call at Servies-Thomas Funeral Home in Waynetown after 7 p.m. Sunday. - jlr