Maxwell - Catherine Pierce - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Maxwell - Catherine Pierce

ource: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 26 June 1922

Mrs. John C. Maxwell, Sr. died at 3:30 p.m. Saturday after a lingering and trying illness of almost six years, during which she set an example of patient suffering, though ready at the times for the great change. Catharine Pierce, daughter of George and Elizabeth Pierce was born near Economy, Wayne County, Indiana March 9, 1837, having 11 brothers and sisters, all of whom preceded her ind eath. her family removed to Union County where she married Clark Maxwell in 1854. A daughter, Clara Bell was born in 1855 and the husband died in 1856. In 1853 she married Joseph Paddock. To this union no children were born. Clara Bell died in 1862 and Joseph Paddock died in 1870. Feb 14, 1872, she was married to John C. Maxwell, Sr. and came to live in Crawfordsville. He was the older brother of her first husband. To them were born George P, March 12, 1874 and John C. Jr. Dec 4,1 875. He died May 3, 1915 leaving a daughter, Amanda Catharine, the only grandchild. Ira S. Maxwell born July 14, 1878 died October 16, 1891. Mrs. Maxwell was of a patriotic family having 3 brothers in the Civil War and her ancestors served in earlier wars of this country. Her two sons, George P. and John C, Jr. served in the Philippines, the latter contracting disease that terminated in his death several years later. Mrs. Maxwell was a good mother and her stepchildren honor, love and respect her for the kindness and care in their helpless childhood. They are Mrs. Ella M. Myers, Frank O. Maxwell, Mary G. Shaver and Fred T. Maxwell. She had a birthright in the Quaker Church, but early in life united with the United Brethren Church and consistently followed its tenets as long as she was able to attend and until her death. John O. (sic) Maxwell, Sr. died in 1883. Funeral services will be held at the residence of her son, George P. Maxwel, 503 E. Franklin Street at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. JC Burkhardt. The Corbin sisters will sing. Interment will be in Masonic Cemetery.

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