Maxwell - Alexander
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Fri 11 Oct 1935 p 13
Darlington, Oct 11 -- Alexander Maxwell, 75, well known resident died this morning at 5:30 o'clock after a several months' illness. Born June 11, 1860 in Marion County, he was a son of Caswell and Mary Maxwell. On March 24, 1888, he married Minnie Steffle. He was a member of the Congregational Christian Church also the IOOF and Knights of Pythias Lodges. In politics he was an ardent democrat and at the time of his death was serving as precinct committeeman. Surviving with the widow are nine sons: Clarence, San Diego, Calif; Fred of Kirklin; Oscar, Bailif (sic) and Walter of near Darlington; Elmer, Ralph, Lawrence and Byrl at home; two daughters, Miss Carrie Maxwell at home and Mrs. Anna Williams, of Darlington; also a sister, Mrs. AManda Steffle of Anderson; four brothers, Jack, George and Tom Maxwell of Smartsburg and Ed Maxwell of Thorntown. There are also 28 grandchildren and one great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Congregational Christian Church, Rev. WH Zenor officiaitng. Interment in IOOF Cemetery - transcribed by kbz