Manly - Thomas
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review June 19, 1967
Thomas L. Manly, 61, retired RR Donnelley & Sons Co employe, died shortly after noon Monday at his home, 702 Binford St, following a coronary occlusion. The city's resucitator was called but he was dead on the arrival.
Mr. Manly retired due to ill health about two years ago after 43 years of service. He first was employed by the company at Chicago on Oct 1, 1922 but was transferred to the Crawfordsville plant in 1942 as a folder operator in the book bindery.
He instructed a number of the folder operators now working in the local plant and atone time was transferred to the Donnelley plant at Willard, Ohio to serve as an instructor on folders when operation of that plant was started.
Born Oct 6, 1905 in Chicago, he was the son of Leonard S. and Hattie Gorenson Manly. He was married June 28, 1930 to Gertrude Placek.
Mr. Manly was a member of the First Methodist Church and Elks and Eagles lodges.
The survivors include the wife; the mother, Mrs. Hattie Manly of River Forest, Ill; two sons, Philip T. Manly of Santa Fe, NM and Donald L, stationed with the USAF at Pope AFB, NC, a grandson, Michael S. Manly; a brother, Dr Wilbur F. Manly of Denver, Colo; a sister, Mrs. Berniece Humhner of River Forest. Funeral services are pending at the Hung & Son Funeral Home. - kbz