Manges - Nellie Linn

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Feb 7, 1935
Whitesville, Feb 6 - Mrs. Nellie E. Manges, 5 (sic - should be 45) wife of Edgar C. Manges, well known Montgomery County farmer, died at 8:10 o'clock tonight of a heart attack at her home west of Whitesville. Mrs. Manges was the daughter of John W. and Mary A. Linn, who reside at 611 East Wabash Avenue, Crawfordsville. Surviving, besides the husband and parents, are three brothers: Walter Linn of Crawfordsville, and Bertram M. Linn and Charles Linn, both of new Ross; a sister, Miss Lalia E. Linn of Chicago; four sons, Cline L. Manges of Colfax, and William Manges, Harold Manges and Walter Manges, all at home, and five daughters, Mrs. Lucille Reeves, of New Market; Miss Edith Manges and Miss Ethel Manges, both at home; Miss Edna Manges of New Castle and Mrs. Ester Ragar of Whitesville, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Whitesville, Christian Church. The body will lie in state at the church from 1-2 p.m. preceding the services for the friends to view. Burial at Oak Hill Cemetery - kbz
Photo from Memorial # 33485245