Macherey - Paul

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana 9 - May - 1953 p 4
Paul Phillip Macherey, 60, preventative maintenance supervisor of the Bindery Department of RR Donnelley & Sons who had been a resident of Crawfordsville since 1928, was found dead Thurday night at his home, 1406 W. Main St. He had been in failing health several months and seriously ill the past few days. His body was discovered by his wife in the basement of the home. Mr. Macherey, who was one of the most popular men in the Donnelley organization had been with the company 38 years. He came here from Chicago where he began his career in the printing industry. An overseas veteran of WWI and a former commander of Byron Cox Post of the American Legion, Mr. Macherey was active in the veterans organization until health failed. He served as Legion commander here in 1939. He also was an active member of the Crawfordsville SPortsman's CLub. During his active years with the Sportsmens' Club he assisted with the completion of many of the club's major projects. He also took a keen interest in youth programs sponsored by his Legion's post. Born Jan 28, 1893 in Chicago, Mr. Macherey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macherey. He married Louise Ida Mily at Crown Point. Surviving are the widow; two sons, Robert Edward Macherey, Villa Park, Ill and Phillip Frank Machery South Bend; a daughter, Mrs. Albertine Mildren Hart, Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Leskobar, Chicago and Miss Albertine Macherey, Chicago and six grandchidlren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Teresa Smith. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Bright Funeral Home. The body will be taken to Chicago following the service for burial there Monday. - kbz