Lynch - George

Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star, Nov 11, 1901 p 1
Among the list of soldiers killed in a battle on the Island of Samar yesterday appears the name of Private George Lynch, supposed to be a young man of Darlington, son of a contractor of that name. He served in the Cuban War and was at San Juan and was a fine young man – transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 15 November 1901
Darlington, Nov. 11—In the list of casualties from Manila given in the Indianapolis News Saturday evening, was the name of George Lynch without any further distinction. George Lynch, of this place, is now a member of Co. K, 2nd U. S. Infantry, serving his second enlistment, and is supposed to be near where the fight occurred. This fact makes his family and friends have grave fears for him, and all will be very uneasy until the facts are fully known.
*Later edition states this George Lynch is alive. - "S"