Lusader - Morrice

NOTE: WWI - Gold Star but he wans't listed - perhaps too late for ones they counted but b/c of War he died so I'd call him a WWI Casualty
Source: Crawfordsville Review March 18, 1919 p 2
Covington, Ind March 17 - There was held in the circuit court room Sunday afternoon a memorial service for Morrice S. Lusader, the second son of Mr. Homer Lusader of this city, who lost his life upon the field of battle of the Argonne Forest fight in France on the 10th day of November, 1919 (sic) This young man left the Covington HS from the graduating class of 1918 and enlisted before he was 18 years of age, in the Marine service.
At first he was rejected on account of defects in his vision and returned home and after having his eyes treated, he again in last May entered the same service and was accepted. He became an expert with a
machine gun and was one out of a great number of boys, who were accepted into a squad of 15 from his company for active service. He soon landed in France and after undergoing intrusive training for a few weeks was moved forward to the battle line.
He engaged in the hardest of the struggle and went down fighting for the freedom of all nations of the world.
Appropriate remarks were delivered by Attorney AT Livengood who is the best friend o the father. On this occasion, his address was timely and well received by a large audience. Attorney OS Jones also delivered an
address and his word were appropriate for the occasion.
Public sentiment appears to be strengthening that after all this world's war has not been in vain, but that upon the ruins of this great war will grow better manhood, and this sentiment was well expressed by both of
the speakers on this occasion.
Take it all in all, it was the best service that has been held in this city and the court room was crowded to its full capacity to get the opportunity to hear these speakers -- kbz