Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, November 30, 1918
Daniel Livingston passed away at his home northeast of here Friday morning. He has been in poor health for the past two years. Mr. Livingston was born near Wingate, February 22, 1837, and if he had lived until February he would have been 82 years old. With the exception of three years spent in the war he has been a resident of Tippecanoe and Montgomery counties. His wife preceded him several years ago. He leaves one brother, Jasper Livingston, of Wingate, and four children, Ed Livingston, of near Kirkpatrick; Mrs. Luella Hunt of Linden; Minnie and Clint Livingston, and three grandchildren, Maria and Dorothy Hunt and Ruth Livingston. Linden- Daniel Livingston died at his home northeast of Linden, Friday morning at 7:30 o'clock. He was born near Wingate February 22, 1837, and with the exception of three years spent in the war, he has resided in Tippecanoe and Montgomery counties. On May 28, 1865, he was united in marriage to Maria Jane Stewart, and to this union were born five children, Estella, who died in infancy; Edward, Clinton, Minnie and Mrs. Luella Hunt. Mrs. Livingston died December 27, 1913. - thanks to Kim H