Light - James O.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 13 Nov 1952 p 5
James O. Light, 73 year-old Spanish American War veteran and former Crawfordsville business man died Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Culver Hospital. He had been a patient there for only one day. Mr. Light was associated with Shimer-Light Auto Company and later for 10 years employed by Conoco Oil Company here. He was a member of First Methodist Church, Elks Lodge, Parent-Teacher Association, Fraternal Order of Police and the Assiniboine Lodge No 7 F&AM. He served with the 19th Regt of the US Infantry in the Spanish American War.
He was born in Indianapolis Sept 22, 1879, son of Theodore and Susan Light. He married Destina Negley who preceded him in death May 1, 1940. Surviving is a brother, Oliver Light of East Orange NJ; a niece, Mrs. Frank Rogers and nephew, James Light, both in Indianapolis. The funeral services will be held Friday at 2:30 at Hunt & Son Funeral Home, Rev. Donald McMahan will dever the sermon. Friiends may call at the funeral home. Burial will be in Masonic Cemetery - kbz