Lawson - Alva Harold

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 17 Dec 1968 p14
Perrysville - Alva Lawson, 54, of Perrysville, former resident of Kingman and Veedersburg died suddenly Sunday afternoon while at a tree farm near Veedersburg where he had gone to buy a Christmas tree. Born in Marshall Oct 21, 1914, he was the son of Clyde and Hazel Lawson. He married the former Marie Byers March 25, 1948. Mr. Lawson worked at Harrison Steel in Attica 27 years before going into farming about two years ago. He had lived at Kingman about four years, moving from there to Veedersburg and finally to Perrysville about two years ago. He was a member of the Veedersburg First United Methodist Church. He was a veteran of WWII. Surviving include the widow; a daughter, Mrs. Judy Ann Dodson of Perrysville; two sons, Harold Lee and Robert Gene, both at home; the mother, Mrs. Hazel Karnes of Kingman, and a grandmother, Mrs. Lillie Thompson of Rockville. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Hegg Funeral Home in Covington. Rev. Ivan Steed will officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery near Covington. Friends may call Tuesday evening at the funeral home.
Source: The obituary is from a collection by Fauniel Hershberger, saved the 1950's, 60's and 70's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana. The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
COVINGTON, Ind. — Alva Harold Lawson, 54, of Perrysville Route 1, died unexpectedly at 2 p.m. yesterday (Dec. 15, 1968) at the Janeway Tree Farm near Veedersburg. Lawson had resided at Perrysville for two years and before that had lived in Veedersburg. Mr. Lawson had been employed at Harrison Steel Foundry for 27 years. For the past two years he had worked as a farmer for William Ford at Gessie. Born in Marshall, Ind., Oct. 21, 1914, he was the son of Clyde and Hazel Karnes Lawson. He was married to Marie Bowers March 25, 1948 and she survives. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church at Veedersburg and a World War II veteran. Surviving beside the widow are a daughter, Mrs. Judith Ann Dodson of Perrysville; two sons, Harold Lee and Robert Gene, at home; a sister, Mrs. Mary Kay Myers of Indianapolis; a brother James Ray of Terre Haute; his mother and grandmother, Mrs. Lillie Thomas of Rockville. He was preceded in death by his father. Friends will be received at the Hegg Funeral Home after noon Tuesday. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Ivan Steed officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery. -- typed by Walt W