Kennedy - William - d 1874 - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Kennedy - William - d 1874

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Saturday, 26 September 1874

William Kennedy, of Union Township, was born in Rockbridge County, Va., Sept. 15, 1799. He resided in Rockbridge County until October, 1836, when he moved with his family, consisting of a wife and three children, to Montgomery County and settled on the farm now owned by Mrs. Line on the Indianapolis State Road between Fredericksburg and Crawfordsville. In 1856 he moved to Minnesota, where he lived two years and then returned to Montgomery County. Of his entire family, but one is now living, a son with whom he is spending his old days. He buried one child before leaving Virginia, one in Minnesota, and two and his companion in Montgomery County, the latter last spring.

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